Telemetry Streams Tab
This section describes the main tab of the telemetry component. This tab lists all the streams received by PLANET from each aircraft within the current mission, and displays the last value received for each parameter.
For each telemetry stream, here is the information displayed:
Source : the name of the instance which has sent the telemetry frame
Label : the label of the current telemetry frame
Issued : the time of the last frame received
Params : the list of params with their last value
It is possible to enrich the display of the parameters by adding a name and a unit for each of them. This has to be declared in the configuration file of the mission. See Mission Configuration appendix.
Values for telemetry streams are fetched and updated on a timely basis.
Values for streams received locally (i.e. from the aircraft on which this PLANET instance is deployed) are updated every 4 seconds by default.
Values for streams received from other aircraft or received on the ground instance (i.e. values sent over satcom) are updated every 10 seconds by default.