Mission Configuration

The current appendix defines how mission configuration works in PLANET.

Mission Configuration Synchronisation

The first important thing to mention is that mission configuration is now exclusively performed from the ground.

There is no more need to duplicate the configuration files on the onboard servers for a given mission.

Once a PLANET onboard server gets connected to PLANET ground server, it automatically receives the last mission configuration and updates the local onboard instance accordingly.

If a mission configuration update is detected, a popup will appear in the bottom left of PLANET application to warn the user of the configuration change.


Mission update popup

Clicking on mission_refresh_button button will refresh the current mission with the new configuration.

Mission Configuration Content

The mission configuration is a file in JSON format.

This section describe each possible primary key of the mission configuration file.

Key: weather

The weather key allows to configure the weather controls in the navigation view.

Key: tracking

The tracking key allows to configure trackers parameters such as the HUD.

Key: telemetry

The telemetry key allows to customize the telemetry view, by defining parameters names and units for each stream.

Key: aero

The aero key allows to customize the aero layers, especially the HUD associated to ADSB vehicles.

Key: dropsondes

The dropsondes key allows to customize the geomarkers associated with ASPEN-QC dropsondes reports, as well as their header. It also allows to edit specific lines in the raw dropsonde report files to correct possible wrong defaults.

Date related elements can be dynamically added to the header from the report’s data by inserting ‘%(key)s’ in the character string.

Available keys are:
- ‘yyyy’ for the full year
- ‘yy’ for the last two digits of the year
- ‘mm’ for the month
- ‘dd’ for the day
- ‘HH’ for hours
- ‘MM’ for minutes
- ‘SS’ for seconds
Mission Configuration file example
    "weather": {
        "products": {
            "rdt_msg": {
                "info": {
                    "source": "Meteo France",
                    "palette": {
                        "img": "/palette_rdt_msg.png",
                        "width": "150",
                        "height": "200"
                    "refresh_rate": "15 minutes"
                "type": "vector",
                "opacity": 1,
                "visible": false,
                "ground_only": true
            "lightning": {
                "info": {
                    "source": "Blitzortnung",
                    "refresh_rate": "1 minute"
                "type": "vector",
                "opacity": 1,
                "visible": false
            "sat_msg_ir": {
                "info": {
                    "source": "Meteo France",
                    "palette": {
                        "img": "/palette_sat_msg_ir.png",
                        "unit": "Temp (°C)"
                    "refresh_rate": "15 minutes"
                "type": "image",
                "opacity": 0.5,
                "visible": false
            "radareu_mfr": {
                "info": {
                    "source": "Meteo France",
                    "palette": {
                        "img": "/palette_radareu_mfr.png",
                        "unit": "dBZ"
                    "refresh_rate": "15 minutes"
                "type": "image",
                "opacity": 0.5,
                "visible": false
            "sat_msg_vis": {
                "info": {
                    "source": "Meteo France",
                    "refresh_rate": "15 minutes"
                "type": "image",
                "opacity": 0.5,
                "visible": false
    "tracking": {
        "default": {
            "hud": {
                "values": {
                    "gps_msl_alt": "alt"
    "telemetry": {
        "default": {
            "streams": {
                "POSITION": {
                    "track": {
                        "unit": "deg"
                    "gps_msl_alt": {
                        "unit": "m"
                    "true_heading": {
                        "unit": "deg"
    "dropsondes": {
    "header": "HEADING:UZDL99 EDZW %(dd)s %(HH)s%(MM)s",
    "geomarkers": {
            "rel": {
                    "group": "dropsondes_rel",
                    "color": "blue"
            "spg": {
                    "group": "dropsondes_spg",
                    "color": "red"
    "pre_edit": {
            "search_pattern": "A11",
            "edited_line": "%(1)s %(2)s %(3)s %(4)s %(5)s 9999.00 99.99 %(8)s %(9)s 999.00 %(11)s %(12)s %(13)s %(14)s %(15)s %(16)s %(17)s %(18)s %(19)s %(20)s\n"